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Big Bad's Hot Date

Melissa Mead lives in upstate NY. You may have seen her stories in DSF before. She's a member of SFWA and Codex, and her Web page is carpelibris.wordpress.com. Go to Twisted Fairy Tales to read the other stories published so far in Melissa's series.

BB's date showed up early. He barely stopped himself from howling his admiration. That might be fine for non-anthropomorphic wolves, but Lupina deserved classier behavior than that. This was going to be a date she'd never forget. No mere beast would be able to match it.
"You said you had a special dinner planned?" she said.
"Uh, yeah! I'm still getting it ready. Want to watch?"
She followed him across the meadow. Three nearby pigs sensed the predators' approach and cowered behind a nearby haystack. BB's date crouched to spring.
"Not yet. This'll be better than anything you've ever had."
He huffed, and puffed, and scattered the hay. The pigs fled, squealing in non-anthropomorphic terror, to a nearby woodpile. BB made short work of that, too.
"Herd them toward those bricks!" he shouted. Lupina's ears perked up. She was intrigued and, judging from her expression as they herded the pigs into his carefully built enclosure, having fun, too. When the last curly tail vanished inside, he dislodged the rock he'd positioned over the doorway, blocking the exit.
"What was the point of that?" said Lupina. "We'll have a heck of a time digging them out of that little house."
"It's not a house." BB set to work dragging the wood and hay up against the bricks. "The humans call it a smoker. When I'm done, I'll show you how to make fire, and then we'll have a delicacy they call pulled pork."
The End
This story was first published on Wednesday, June 19th, 2013
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