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There Are No Butterflies on Proxima B

Dear Jon,
How are you? I am well. I am writing you this letter from the ship. Yesterday me and Maman and Papa woke up in the space beds. We had already arrived at the colonies! It felt like a very long time but we were still so sleepy. I had a dream about the caterpillars in our classroom and you were there; they finally left their cocoons and became beautiful butterflies. I wanted to tell Maman about my dream but she was crying so I think she must have had a nightmare. She said she misses Auntie Kay and grandma but Papa wants us to be happy so we should try to be happy. Papa knows what is best for us. He says, "We are lucky we can leave the past behind and have a fresh start as a family." I asked Papa how long until we go home to Earth and I can see you. He patted my head and told me to go to the games room and make some new friends. Maman hugged me. I told her not to cry, we will be home soon where everyone will be happy to see us.
I wish I knew how long we are staying here. Did you know there are no butterflies at all in the whole Proxima system? I think it is a very strange place. I hope Papa will take us back home to Earth soon. I miss you already Jon. Please write back when you can.
P.S. I hope I will be back before the caterpillars finally turn into butterflies and fly away. Will you tell them to wait for me?
Love, Tina
The End
This story was first published on Monday, January 9th, 2023
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