The Practical Guide to Punching Nazis
by Alex Shvartsman
1. Act natural. You don't want to give them a reason to suspect you. When they realize the data card is missing, somber men with humorless eyes will invade the lab. They'll interrogate everyone, even the purebloods. Keep your head down and don't draw attention to yourself. As far as they're concerned, you're not bright or motivated enough to be a Party member, let alone to break the encryption and steal the data. You're almost entirely beneath their notice. When they fail to discover the thief, they'll drag your boss away. He isn't so bad, considering, but someone has to be held responsible. His removal is as unfortunate as it is inevitable.
2. Go to the library. Walk through the deserted halls, past the shelves filled with party dogma, thick hardcover tomes with spines that have never been cracked. All the way in the back find the small stack of dilapidated volumes misfiled decades ago by some brave librarian. Rifle through the dog-eared copies of Das Capital and Common Sense and The Fountainhead: a smorgasbord of ideas that share nothing in common except the fortune of surviving the purge because those in power are ignorant of these books' contents. Pick the book espousing the philosophy that suits you best and hide the data card inside. Don't worry; this is the last place anyone is likely to look.
3. Quit your job. Better yet, fail to grovel properly in front of the new boss and get yourself fired. Be patient. For the sake of your friends and family, let enough time pass that no one thinks to connect you with the eventual break-in and fire at the lab.
4. Study the past. Learn about the way people spoke and dressed and carried themselves from old books and movies. Figure out how people expressed themselves from the ancient Internet archives, if you can access them. Question anything written about the past since the Party came into power.
5. Prepare to blend in. The technology is experimental and imprecise. There's no telling where you'll end up, so you must bring all kinds of camouflage. This is especially important if your skin tone or bone structure or gender aren't optimal for whatever decade you arrive in. Bring a Hugo Boss uniform and a Zhongshan suit, an ushanka hat with a hammer-and-sickle badge, and a red baseball cap, a white hooded robe and a leather trench coat.