Best. Scientist. EVER.
by Omar Velasco
2274: Someone chases you. You steal the time machine. You are going to become the best scientist in history. You travel
2042: While physicist Douglas Wells lectures, you enter the auditorium and correct the Wells Equation. Thanks to this, time travel is now theoretically correct. Your persecutor almost reaches you, but you manage to escape.
2010: In Switzerland, you explain to everyone exactly what will happen as soon as they turn on the Large Hadron Collider. They do not believe you. You bet, and they let you turn it on to you. Everyone applauds. And they pay you.
1985: Attending the Congress of Time Travelers. There are many doctors; some have a surname, others only a number, but apparently few have a name. Your persecutor is distracted by greeting everyone present. You travel
1927: In Brussels, you converse with Albert Einstein. They talk about relativity, space, and time. You make him see that he was right and wrong at the same time. You meet Erwin and give him a cat. Poor cat.
1850: You meet a young Jules Verne, who is not sure if he should be a lawyer or dedicate himself to writing. You hug him, thank him, and ask him to continue writing. Jules smiles.